ASP.NET Core MVC with Razor Pages

Course Name Course Fees Time StartDate Enroll
ASP.NET Core MVC with Razor Pages 10000 INR 7.30 PM – 9 PM (Mon,Wed,Fri) April 8 Enroll Now


Welcome to the ASP.Net Core MVC with Razor Pages course, designed for experienced .NET  developers seeking to improve their skills in software development using .NET Framework. The goal of this practical course is to familiarise you with .NET  fundamentals so that you may develop the skills necessary to create dependable, scalable, and maintainable.NET MVC applications.


  1. Good understanding of .NET framework fundamentals.
  2. Knowledge of basic programming and object oriented programming concepts.

Job Prospects

Completing the ASP.NET Core MVC with Razor Pages course will open up lucrative opportunities in the tech industry. Unlock high-demand roles such as Senior .NET Developer, Software Architect, or DevOps Engineer, commanding competitive salaries ranging from ₹7,00,000 to ₹35,00,000 annually. You can seek to specialize in areas like Web Application development and also explore freelance opportunities with hourly rates averaging ₹2,000 to ₹7,000. Elevate your career to leadership roles such as a Technical Lead or Engineering Manager. Your ASP.NET Core MVC with Razor Pages skills open doors to diverse roles and income levels, making you a valuable asset in the dynamic world of software development.

1. MVC
2. Creating a web app and Exploring the app structure
3. Setting up First application
4. Model
5. Validation and annotation
6. Connecting with the Database 
7. Creating tables using code first approach with CLI Commands
8. Exploring Controllers
9. Exploring Views
10. Create Operation
11. Read Operation
12. Update Operation
13. Delete Operation
14. Navigation between the Views 
15. Creating Interfaces
16. Authentication and Authorization
17. Unit testing
  1. Programming assessment at the end of each session to test the participant’s understanding of the concepts
  2. 2 hours of doubt-clearing sessions every week on the corresponding weekend for topics covered in the week
  3. Mini-projects at regular intervals to understand the application of the concepts learned
  4. Capstone project at the end of the course to implement and understand the application of various concepts covered in the course.
  5. After the course completion, you will be provided with free 50 assessment questions for practice.